The Meaning of SQUID GAME Explained

This video essay reviews Netflix’s Squid Game and explaining the meaning of Squid Game. This video analyzes how the characters react to certain incentives in order to survive. While the social commentary about the ruthlessness of capitalism are obvious, there is more to the series, Squid Game, so let’s take a look and come to a better understanding about what Squid Game teaches us about human nature, incentives and the meaning of life.

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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made “fair use” for the purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

0:00 Why Would Anyone Play?
2:57 What the Games Teach Us
8:42 The Meaning of Life

Music used:
Blue Danube by Strauss
William Tell Oveture by Rossini
Affirmations by Scott Buckley ()
Ascension by Scott Buckley ()
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod
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