The VIPs Explained | Squid Game Explained

Explaining who the VIPs are from Squid Game Season 1 Episode 7 “VIPS” and Season 1 Episode 9 “One Lucky Day” (2021). [Spoilers] In this video I talk in-depth about the VIPs line delivery and dialogue, explaining why it’s clunky and at times 110% certified “Cringe” by analyzing some interviews with the actors who played the VIPs. At times, I also justify their performances as well. I talk about who the VIPs are, why they watch the games and their relation to Number 1 (Oh Il-nam or The Host). By the way, Sang-woo went to SNU. I also quickly discuss Hwang Dong-hyuk talking about what will be in the next season of Squid Game, as well as him confirming season 2.

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This video was made by Bryce Edward Brown